Heavy Flow

In issue two of Heavy Flow, there are gun-crazy security guards who work the night shift and jump off cliffs into streams. There’s something called Tediosity by Chris Simonen which is a la-ta-da limerick: “I heard a door slam anyway, I dropped my knife and ran away. Stripes are nice, (or so I’m told), dots and triangles, I’m old.” In Meat & Bone, the characters, animals and monsters all have to wear anti-craving patches: “Yes Sirry my eating people phase is over…” Get me out of here. This zine is nuts. Issue 10 is the Pope John BonJovi issue, with the caption: “Out of rehab and full of wisdom.” This cut and place chaos zine is worth reading cover to cover. Stu pees in his shower and his roommates catch him… Karl the bug guy is a cool cartoon, and his TV is trying to eat him… There’s a bowler, a man with a semi-automatic and cute zombies and monsters decorating the back cover. There’s tons inside worth checking out. I leave this review with a conversation from one of the many funny strips: “Did you order smash brains?” “Nu-uh Nope.” “Jesus, do you want some?” “Uh, I don’t know, uh.” “I’ll throw in some soup.” “I’m listening…” “And a lottery ticket.” “OK” (NGM)

zine, 75 cents, #2 & #10, Bill Horwood Jr., 75 Lowell Ave. St. Catherines, ON L2R 2C9


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