Guy with a purse

Guy with a purse takes about two minutes to read, slightly more if you look at the pictures, which are actually just the same picture 13 times, but each time more disintegrated until at the end it looks like a bunch of snow fell on the picture. But this guy, this creation of Malcolm Fraser’s, this guy with a purse, this guy is a wonderful, wonderstruck guy. He finds enchantment in the simplest things, from getting called a guy with a purse, to the foam you get from putting frozen juice in a blender. I think the guy with a purse is even enchanted with himself when he gets pissed off about the misuse of apostrophes in the world today. There’s some dreams in here: “I’m looking for something behind my stereo and I find a whole bunch of rolls of Scotch tape.” (That’s the whole dream.) There’s tips on shampoo, facial wash and etiquette in Switzerland and Italy. I love the guy with a purse.

chapbook / no known publisher / main creator: Malcolm Fraser / $1; no trades / 56 Maitland St., Apt. 406, Toronto, ON M4Y 1C5

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