Girlie Prig

Karen can write. I mean she can really write. When reading Girlie Prig you get the feeling that you’re there with Karen on her road trip to Olympia WA for a riot grrrl convention or hitching to San Francisco with her best friend Sarah. You’re there when she falls in love. You’re there drinking coffee with her in a dingy donut shop in Montreal, You’re with her at a rave club when she’s getting a back rub from a 24 yr-old boy and crushing on a girl across the room. Sprinkled throughout the zine are really cute sketches of her and her friends including a short comic that Karen didn’t quite finish. Hands down the best personal zine in my milk crate. (GS)

zine / #10 / Main Creator: Karen / $2ppd / 590-2290 Girouard, Montreal, Quebec, 4HA 3C3

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