#18 is titled (?) bad crass tacky gaudy insipid unsightly tasteless white trash, augmented by a serious barbarian (severed head in hand) drawing on the cover. You have been warned. Then you’re in for massive text, small font, hard opinion and other good stuff. Music figures prominently, as in interviews with Sister Lovers, Lick the Pole and an interview with Veruca Salt. The rest of the issue is dedicated to the theme, TACKY, and covers it pretty thoroughly, as in articles on: trailer park rock (a run down of bands like Prism, Trooper, Chilliwack, how religion got tacky, a Chucky Cheese expose and some white trash recipes. Rot also has some feature-type articles that present interesting points of view about killing people and what comes off as a pretty authentic prosac diary. The truth is that this ‘zine is jam packed and extremely wide ranging. There seems to be no end to Rot’s picking and plucking and getting interesting things shoved into every corner of the damn thing.

mag / no known publisher / main creator: Rot / $2 (no fucking cheques) or Trade (no cutesy crap or poetry) + postage / 297 – 810 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4C9

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