Freak Show

Tidy tid-bits of information slowly seeped into my brain until it was full enough to function again. Trivia. Freak Show is aptly named (ouch excuse me I just had a vomit burb) because it spends a lot of time on the freaky nature of existence, existence being, in my humble opinion, not much more than a show anyhow. So the price of a Big Gulp is up in Regina. Lotsa Archie filler, you know, like Betty and Veronica and Jughead, they still make those? Um, this is basically a music zine with lotsa stuff — most of it nice — to say about US bands, too much show, not enough freak…or is it the other way around? Excuse me, I can’t think, I just swallowed a throat full of my bile.

zine / main creator: Edd / $1.50 plus post / PO Box 36002, Regina, SK, S4S 7H6

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