Food Not Lawns: The Sod Cutter

Pieces by Kevin Walsh, “You Down With OPP? Property Rights in the Age of NAFTA and Monsanto,” and Shiri Pasternak’s “War by Other Means: Geopolitics and Pop-Tarts in the New agrarian order,” are two among many strong pieces in this zine which focuses on food issues, from farmers’ struggles to biotechnology. This is a very encouraging indication that the type of work Brewster Kneen has been doing with The Ram’s Horn for decades is not an isolated phenomena. Kai Kellough’s poem “Sawlfish Reminiscence” links food and welcoming family memories. Kate Lawrence’s “Our grandmother” is a series of reflections on growing up and living on a farm, arising from a conversation with her grandmother, a woman born in rural Manitoba in 1904. Poetry and personal reflections help to bring the range of issues related to food security forward in a way we can most easily comprehend. This zine is also a good source of information on publications and groups dealing with food, biotechnology, agribusiness and related concerns. (BB)

zine, #2, QPIRG Concordia, $4, 2130 rue Mackay, Montreal QC, H3G 1J2, [email protected],

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