Dream Whip

Dream Whip is really pretty and reads like a strange travelogue that brings us to every lonely and strange coffeehouse from Texas to Canada. Sometimes it borders on science fiction, because the author tends to distort familiar things we think we know about the world. Suddenly, we feel awake again. The world in Dream Whip seems so much more real than the world outside. Reading Dream Whip is like taking a subway ride in a city you know nothing about: “It always feels like I’ve gone somewhere without moving at all- Sure they say the subway moves around on tracks beneath the city. But when you’re a subway rider, you know it’s the other way around.” This issue of Dream Whip is huge but very readable. There are lots of hand-drawn pictures and even a recipe for lasagna. It is good and it made me happy. (Audrey Gagnon)

perzine, #10, $3, P.O Box 53832, lublock Texas, 79453 USA


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