
The cover of this zine is a huge-eyed four legged creature that resembles a cross between a hyena and a panda bear. Inside are crude pen-and-ink and crayon drawings of huge-eyed people doing mundane things with quotes like “A Mittelscaiz Giant” and “Sebastian Villieux, Chief Medicine Man” underneath them in a barely legible scrawl. Around these pictures is a story that is really tiresome and uninteresting, starring the drawings. At the back is another strange looking pen-and-ink drawing of a bald man with giant eyes and no mouth or nose. Under it is a caption that reads: “Hi. You have been reading DogmouTH [sic]. To read it again in renewed form, send me a buck or two.” Uh, no thanks. (Anthony Gerace)

zine, #1, 16 pgs., A. Cooper (editor), $5, 105-28 Helene Street North, Apt. 105, Port Credit, ON, L5G 3B7, [email protected]


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