Dog Dayz

This comic zine comes from the same artist I so lauded for her portraits in the PEOP(le)s publication. However, I regret to report that this, while still solid in many respects, is the lesser of the two. Dog Days follows the exploits of the character K-9, an NYC punk girl circa 1993 with a light bulb attached to the top of her head that forms a kind of blue (no?) collar crown.� While it�s an interesting portrayal of the claustrophobic nature of a big city summer (especially without “conventional” luxuries) the comic itself lacks the more subtle nature of Fly�s other publications. Primarily my beef with the explanation of the characters lifestyle is that it remains largely esoteric.� If the viewer is to be drawn into the issues (and thus, hopefully creating a compelling comic sequence) they must be hit on all sides with an effective marriage of sharp illustration and gripping text.� The comic’s transitions are too abrupt, which obviously affects the pacing itself. The drawings are largely formulaic, though with their general visual appeal, they make up for some of the textual inconsitencies. Still, on the whole, `Dog Dayz’ stays on track, and is consistent in its rugged look and portrayal of endless summer heat, fights, moods, and other dramas.� It’s apparent that Fly is a zine pro, and I look forward to seeing more of her work in the future. (carolyn tripp)

Fly PO Box11318 Cooper Stn Nyc, NY 10276 USA [email protected]