Discourse & Disclosure

“Published monthly, distributed from coast to coast,” but what the heck is it? “A forum for thinking Canadians.” But who the heck are these Canadians? Their strong interest in questions about privatizing Ontario Hydro suggest possible connections to the public-sector unions, or maybe they’re PIRGites, or Council of Canadians types? Dunno. They have lawyers and reverends contributing… Well, one way or another, this is a forum for good thinking and strong opinions from the leftward keel of the tide. Slightly conspiracy minded, intemperate prose style. If that’s what you like and you sign yourself Ms/Mr Canada, Discourse & Disclosure (with a flag flying behind its, uh, flag) is for you.

newspaper / #1-2, May-June 1996, 16 pp. / main creator: Sue Potvin, editor, / $2.60 / 3296 Nixon Dr., Osgoode, ON, K0A 2W0 email: 613.826.1033, [email protected]

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