
This young French-language zine from Montreal does a fine, if scatter-gun, job on reporting local anarchist and punk-rock happenings, including police crackdowns on DIY spaces that were under-reported even in Quebec. They have a less rigorous but still interesting take on politics in general. There s a centre-spread on nationalism, and a front cover photo of someone kicking out a window in what looks like a click-your-heels jump for joy, under the legend Ils ont le pouvoir, nous avons la nuit! (They have the power, we ve got the night, babe)… Though this isn t as well-done as the old Montreal youth anarchist newspaper Rebelles, it s a rare and useful resource. Let s hope they find a sense of humour, whenever they stop yelling.

newspaper/zine / publisher: Le collectif Dimanarchie / main creators unknown / $1.50 / C.P. 32100, Montreal, PQ, H2L 4Y5

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