Danish Esrom

Sadly, chunks of this are wholly unreadable as it’s sort of scrawled long-hand and sometimes heads right off the page due to a vicious photocopier. On top of the piece about why cops suck (“It’s not because they enforce the stupidest laws, but because their attitudes suck… It says a lot about society that we have to have laws not to kill people…) and the truly amazing inclusion of a photo of a cop from 52 division to watch out for because he’s particularly an asshole, you get tons of reviews (eg. NOFX, Trunk, Subhumans and more) and interview with 3 Impotent Males (TIM) and more. Order this, for all that stuff, but especially for the real answers Dear Abby should have given…

zine / #2, / main creators: Simon and Noah / free / 643 Millwood Rd, Toronto, ON, M4S 1K8

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