Crackers + Honey

Intricate and absolutely gorgeous, you owe it to yourself to get hold of this zine. Floral patterned cloth-end papers set the tone. Different colour paper create photocopied moments of everyday weirdness. Like sewing “through the pointer finger.” Like seeing a couple making out in a car. Random lists lead, somehow, to a big fuzzy apple you can run your thumb across as you contemplate the words “easily bruised.” There’s also the really great sticker book of “physical changes during the teens” including “girls’ hips widen” and “the hands and feet grow to adult size.” This is kid stuff for adults. It’s fun to flip through and feel, you don’t have to think too hard, but you can if you want to. How does Karissa do it? The final spread offers some clues: “Step 1: Keep a bomb in your heart.” (Hal Niedzviecki)

zine, #5, Karissa, $5, 38 Montebello Place, St. Catherines, ON, L2R 6B6,

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