
The official numbering of this issue is misleading. It wasn’t actually released until the middle of 2002 — I know because I regularly contribute reviews to Counterpoise. There are two sides to this publication: continuing efforts to push libraries and librarians to support the alternative press and the publishing of a wide range of reviews of books and other print resources that makes this, in many ways, the U.S. equivalent of Broken Pencil. There are reprints as well — I particularly liked Jeff Nygaard’s “Act of War? Crime Against Humanity? The World Weighs In” reprinted from Nygaard Notes. This is a provoking opinion piece based on polls seeking information on attitudes towards possible U.S. responses to the events of September 11, 2001. (Brian Burch)

magazine, Vol.5, #3/4, 99 pages, 2-4/yr @ $45/yr, Charles Willet, 1716 SW Williston Road, Gainesville FL, 32608-4049, [email protected],