Confused and How to Milk a Cow

I’m convinced that within the next five years a snack food to end all snack foods will destroy the snack food market as we know it. It will be a supreme combination of pizza-nachos-wraps-roti-wings-falafel, with a pronounced emphasis on grilled chicken and ranch-flavoured dipping sauce. Confused is like this snack food, a head-spinning mass of approximately 300 different typefaces and jokes and facts (i.e: “During an average day you have been in indirect contact with 15 penises, for example through door handles”) that are funny in the most cheese-powder of ways. Apparently this was made in school, so there are censored and uncensored versions; the word “penis” does not make an appearance in the censored version. How to Milk a Cow is a mini-comic from the same perpetrator, the punchline being the essential difference between a bull and a cow. Oh, to be twelve again. (Amy Lam)

Zines, Robin Norlen, Ghoulstomper, P.O. Box 8793, Toledo, OH, 43625 U.S.A.,, [email protected]