Catpeeps Official Catalogue

Catpeeps Official Catalogue

Catpeeps are “sometimes people, sometimes cats” and this is the catalogue of catpeep paraphernalia. I guess you could call this a satire, but it’s so meticulously done and the drawings of the catpeeps are so vaguely haunting, it goes beyond satire and seems to take up a position as something more, well, other worldly. Anyway, you can get Catpeeps on a stick, the catpeep mask, the catpeep puppet-in-a-cone and catpeeps cola. You can also get the make your own catpeeps right at home kit. As the catalogue says, Order Today! Cool but vaguely creepy. (HN)

zine, #1, $2, 295 Augusta Ave., Toronto, ON, M5T 2M2

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