Cataclysm Girl

perzine, #8, 40 pgs, $1 USD plus 2 stamps/$2 (anywhere), Sarah Knowles, MCLA Box #7267, North Adams, MA 01247 USA, sarah@scribble. nu,

Sometimes I like to think of personal zines as episodes in a serial novel. Then I like to make up the next episode to suit my peculiar sensibility. In Cataclysm Girl #8, Sarah is suffering through that awkward period when you move away from home for the first time and live with horrible strangers and you seethe alternately with self-righteousness and self-loathing. I like to think that #9 of Cataclysm Girl will be less about the difficulties of writing zines and feeling alienated and more about, oh I don’t know, the pleasures of writing zines and feeling alienated I guess. There will still be the musings on time and mortality and memory, I like those; also, there will be more poetry. The poetry is actually really good. (Wendy Banks)

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