Capers Aweigh Magazine

Capers Aweigh publishes only Cape Breton writers. Tales of strange, unexplainable occurrences. Lots of poems that rhyme. All and all, it’s a pretty angst-filled little journal. Listen to this poem by Melissa Grant, a grade 11 student: What can you do when/The weight of the world/Rests upon your shoulders?/It crushes you like/A thousand boulders. And it’s not just the grade 11s doing the lamenting here. To read Capers Aweigh, you would think the weight of the world was resting entirely on the shoulders of the people of Cape Breton. But interspersed amongst the moments of despair and gloom, there are some wonderful moments: The felis tigris runs down the lamb./& is confounded by xanthic things./& bespeckled young men with curly hair. What the hell is going on out there in Cape Breton?

litzine / publisher: Capers Aweigh Small Press / main creator: John MacNeil (publisher) / $5/issue / P.O. Box 96 Sydney, Cape Breton Island, Canada, B1P 6G9

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