Buckling Knees

zine review:

Buckling Knees

A lot of poetry these days has these really inaccessible mandates and tries to slum it in the lowest common denominator. There are risks involved in this, dare I say, experimen­tation, but its all so inhumane.

Tapping her inner-human comes Robin Richardson`s thoughtful poems that take risks but without all the popular modes of poetic alienation. “Write the shy waitress who walks like a calf when she brings you your granola in the morning; write the men who watch you on the street, and how you watch them, and everyone else for that mat­ter, just in case there is some feature worth jotting down; write because when you were young you couldn’t, because doctors and teachers said that you never would.” Defin­itely a voice worthy of attention for its ex­acting care and nurturing sense of balance and insight. A keeper. (Jack Cena)

Poetry zine, Robin Richardson, misslexia.com