Big Questions

Big Questions was the gem in my package o’ zines. Anders got a grant last year, and used the money to produce a slew of home-made comic books filled with b&w line drawings. He’s talented, no doubt about that. Favourite characters include the nameless street urchin Mister and two little city birds. Each strip has a “point” that’s not too hard to grasp. They’re nicely formed, cute and cryptic, though every once in a while, the truisms make you cringe. He even throws in some one-off pieces of art for quick consumption. The dejected little characters remind me of my urban pop-culture junkie friends. Somehow, they also get the message across that everyone else is just as fucked up as we are. Bonus: the comics give a uniquely Chicago-centric view of life. Very cool. (Emily Pohl-Weary)

comic, #1,2, $2, Anders Nilsen, 2867 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, IL, 60618, USA


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