Beyond the Pale

Beyond the Pale: The Zen of No Enlightenment. Apparently, this e-zine is a sort of nihilist poetry repository. It seems a little counterintuitive that a nihilist would take an enormous amount of time to create a massive, sprawling website (when it all doesn’t matter anyway, right?). The webmaster (and poet), Anthony Weir, either has an incred-ibly twisted sense of humour, or is one of the strangest people on the Internet. Read the “About” section for his very atypical biography–highlights include a lifetime of squatting on rich people’s property, living to age 60 without having a job, non-penetrative sex between bearded men, human-canine love and a prison sentence for shoplifting. After reading that, all the poems about masturbation, dogs and suicide start making sense. There’s also a strangely incongruent section about Irish Megaliths, and more poems, short stories and essays than a person could possibly endure in one sitting. (Jennifer Fabro)