A Retrospective Look at What He Did After He Committed Suicide

A Retrospective Look at What He Did After He Committed Suicide

The blankness of the pages is what I felt most while reading Evason’s poetry, trying by inclination to get a little into the psyche of “I” (the narrator), and coming up with a blank. I was not empty-handed, however. There was a limp tension present, maybe even a disinterested play on the dialectic of master and slave, where the overcompensated whiteness of the page is the one saving grace, leaving the reader in a frustratingly dreamy mood. Even the Pope is told “to tell the people that masturbation is okay”. (PVP)

Litzine, 6 pages, $2 (a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy), Greg Evason, c/o Rob McLennan, above/ground press, RR #1, Maxville, ON K0C 1T0,

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