The War of 1812 Comes Alive This Weekend

The dead of the War of  1812 are set to rise at the first annual Ghosts of Niagara & Zombie Walk in Niagara this weekend. The walk starts at the Niagara Farmer’s Market and then will make a (slow) procession  around the neighbourhood. It’s not exclusive to zombies or ghosts who breathed their last breath during that little war where Canada kicked American ass, but ye be warned: you’ll be separated from the war heroes in the walk if you dress otherwise.

We’re heading into zombie walk season during the lead-up to All Hallow’s Eve. The first zombie walk in Canada took place in Toronto in 2003 with just a handful of undead participants. Nearly a decade later and it’s grown to much more epic proportions (they’re hoping to hit 5,000 this October.)  There’s a tight race going on for the Guinness World Record on the score of largest zombie gathering. So far, the title belongs to New Jersey with its 4,093 participants.

So, if you’ve ever dreamed of taking your wine tour of the Niagara region with fake flesh hanging from your face and spattered in blood, now’s your chance. For the more mild-mannered out there, you can also just come and watch the gory times.