Your Own Worst Enemy

In his newest zine-venture, Cygnals Scott bounces between features on schizophrenics (in pictures and in their own words) and stories of his everyday life that allude in various ways to his recent break-up with his girlfriend. Could this be a psych-zine? I was kind of suspicious of the zine’s “schizophrenics are entertaining” direction. I really hate people who valorize mental illness. Scott redeems himself somewhat by providing a modicum of clinical information. However, he needs to do more. He’s still treating schizos like clowns for the most part. And he needs to deal with his personal life a bit more too. Too many times he admits his own problems only to excuse them. This is symptomatic of someone heavily into denial. At least, that’s my prognosis. And if you’re going to write about psychological problems, you should expect psychoanalytic reviews. (TD)

zine, #1, 26 pages / main creator: Scott Simpson / publisher: Cygnals Multimedia / $2 / Box 40024, RPO Marlee, Toronto, ON, M6B 4K4

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